
导读:美国生命健康药业简介: 美国生命健康药业集团是一家以健康产业、生物研究、保健品、医疗机构于一体的大型跨国集团,总部位于美国科罗拉多州,产品覆盖包含生物技术、医药健康...







  2000年,麻省理工学院的生物学家Leonard Guarente(大卫 · 辛克莱的前导师)发现SIR2是酵母中的一种sirtuin,只有当它被NAD+激活时才能延长酵母的寿命,这一发现为进一步了解NAD+和衰老提供了依据。

  2011 年,井真一郎教授及其研究团队提出了NMN这一物质的存在,并试图在食物中提取。

  2013年,David Sinclair(大卫·辛克莱)教授在顶级学术期刊《CELL》上发布论文:证实22月龄(相当于人类60岁)的小鼠服用NMN一周后,小鼠在线粒体稳态、肌肉健康等关键指标上恢复到6月龄小鼠(相当于人类20岁)的状态,引起多方轰动。

  2014年美国生命健康药业集团旗下的研发中心与David Sinclair(大卫·辛克莱)教授的哈佛团队合作研发,同年第一代适合人类服用的NMN产品研发成功。





  美国生命健康药业集团已在全球五十多个国家和地区获得许可证,并与其中的重点原料供应商共同建立了研发合作关系。严格的质量管理和完善、系统的组织人才架构搭建了跨地区连锁,高速的配货系统。 依托先进的医药CRM和进、销、存管理软件,构建了庞大的上下游渠道网络。这一切只为了保证公司旗下产品原材料的可靠性。








  威廉拉特克利夫William J. Ratclif:人力资源总监,在美国辉瑞公司拥有7年以上的销售与管理经验,对公司管理经验丰富。在加州大学的时候就接触过专业的医药培训。他主张培训分为“In-field training”和“In-life training”,认为企业的员工就是公司的精神面貌,在公司管理人才专业性建设中做出了重要贡献,在美国医药与健康行业有着深厚的人脉资源。

  William j. Ratclif: human resources director, in the United States, Pfizer has 7 years experience in sales and management, management experience to the company. In medicine at the university of California, when they come into contact with professional training. He argues that training is divided into "In - field training" and "In - life training", believed that the employees of enterprises is the mental outlook of the company, the company made an important contribution In the construction of professional management talents, medical and health industry In the United States has a profound connections resources.

  日本相原井(Aihara Rika)是日本著名的组织行为学专家,日本名校应庆大学的研究员,是美国生命健康药业集团的特约企业战略顾问,他善用把管理学、社会心理学等方面的理论运用在专业的管理策略。在产品销售激励的管理上提出了高效的解决方案,对美国生命健康药业集团的销售团队和销售网络构建起了重要作用。

  Aihara Rika: Japan's famous expert in organizational behavior, Japan should be celebrating, a researcher at the university, is the Life Health Pharmaceutical Group of special enterprise strategy consultant, he use to apply the theory of management, social psychology, etc, in the professional management strategy. In product sales incentive management puts forward the effective solution, Life Health Pharmaceutical Group of the sales team and sales network has played an important role in building.

  蒙诺波特Monroe Port,首席营销官。他毕业于普利斯顿大学。他以美国生命健康药业集团的理念为角度,以产品,信息管理等为纽带,在培育健康市场和市场营销方面有着准确的认识,因而对健康市场有着足够的灵敏度。另外,他在渠道管理方面,在渠道细分方面有着独特方法,在行业内赢得了许多人尊重。波特先生注重建立长期协作关系,培养公司品牌的内在动力,多次多方位配合渠道市场取得市场 “win to win“。目前公司最新DFC(Direct to consumer)营销模式正在他的带领下进行构建的,该营销模式赢得了公众的热烈追捧

  Monroe Port: chief marketing officer. He graduated from pulis university. His concept of Life Health Pharmaceutical Group for the perspective, to product, information management, etc, in cultivating healthy market and marketing has the accurate understanding, thus have enough sensitivity on health market. In addition, he in channel management, in the aspect of channel segment has a unique way, in the industry has won many people respect. Mr Porter notice to establish long-term cooperation relations, to develop the inner motive power of corporate brand, multiple directional cooperation channels to market "win to win market". At present, the company the latest DFC (Direct to the consumer) marketing model is built under his lead, the marketing model has won the popularity of the public


  克希尔绍尔恩Kircher Schorn:美国生命健康药业集团研发中心首席专家,毕业于哈佛大学医学院公共卫生学院,是美国知名期刊的特约编辑。从事保健食品,运动医学,特殊医学食品研发开发及医学学顾问已达十一年,具有丰富的科研经验及临床经验,组织开展了多项功能性食品,营养食品等研发工作。在医疗保健行业有着丰富的经验。目前他正全面促进各大型研究机构合作及企业创新开发平台的构建。1975年受创始人大卫·史宝瑞特别邀请加入美国生命健康药业集团,成为美国生命健康药业集团首席专家,拥有联合创始人的头衔

  Kircher Schorn: the Life Health Pharmaceutical Group r&d center chief expert, graduated from Harvard University school of medicine, school of public health, is the contributing editor of famous journals in the United States. Engaged in health food, sports medicine, food research and development to develop special medicine and medical science adviser has reached 11 years, has rich experience in scientific research and clinical experience, group has carried out a number of functional food, nutrition food, such as research and development work. Has a wealth of experience in the health care industry. He is currently large research institution cooperation, and comprehensively promote the construction of enterprise innovation development platform. In 1975 by the founder David Shi Baorui specially invited to join the Life Health Pharmaceutical Group, became the Life Health Pharmaceutical Group chief expert, co-founder of title

  哈里斯道克森Hrais Dawson:美国公共卫生预防和营养研究所资深研究员,康奈尔大学医学博士,是某个美国高校重点实验室的成员之一。道克森先生自研发中心创立起便一直担任研发中心特约组长,是NIAID授予MERIT奖的首席研究员。拥有多年的临床医学相关的科研工作经历的他,在糖尿病和哺乳动物的有关蛋白质标记和表达上有特殊贡献,被评为2010年美国顶级医师;倡导食物的健康搭配,为企业培养了多位高级人才。

  Hrais Dawson: prevention and public health in the United States institute of nutrition, senior researcher at Cornell university, m.d., is a member of a certain key laboratory of American colleges and universities. Mr Tao, the research and development center has been founded since r&d center special group leader, is the chief researcher at NIAID awarded MERIT award. With many years of related working experience in scientific research of clinical medicine, he in diabetes and related protein markers and expression of mammals, there are special contribution, was named in 2010 America's top doctor. To advocate health food collocation, has trained a number of senior talent for the enterprise.

  格雷汉森Grey Hansen,拥有英国伯明翰大学生物化学专业博士学位,英国营养学会注册(营养科学)营养师营养与抗衰老科研沙龙发起人之一。他主要致力于以决策分析和模拟疾病模型为核心的结果研究,同时他在生物炎症干预等基础医学领域有着重要科研成果。为人亲切,热爱运动,关注人们疾病预防。

  Grey Hansen: has the English Birmingham university PhD degree in biochemistry, the nutrition society registered dietitian (nutritional sciences) nutrition and anti-aging research salon one of the sponsors. He is mainly engaged in decision analysis and simulation model for the core of research result, at the same time, he in biological inflammation intervention based medicine has important scientific research achievements. Gracious, love sports, pay close attention to disease prevention.

  夏洛蒂·曹Charlotte Cao:毕业于香港中文大学,2016年取得营养与食品科学硕士学位,是目前韦诺研发中心的主力成员之一。关注医学补充剂和疾控防治新趋势,喜欢钻研最前沿的医学科技知识。

  Charlotte Cao: graduated from the Chinese university of Hong Kong, 2016 master's degree in nutrition and food science, is one of the main members of the current WELRO r&d center. Focus on medical supplements and for disease control and prevention and control of new trend, like working on the cutting edge of medical science and technology knowledge.


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